In search of Amazon’s ancient hunters

In search of Amazon’s ancient hunters

The European Research Council has featured the Last Journey project on their website in an article titled In search of Amazon’s ancient hunters – ‘South America holds a unique place in human history as the final continental frontier for early...
Analysing handprints – Dr Barbara Oosterwijk

Analysing handprints – Dr Barbara Oosterwijk

The main objective of my work as a rock art specialist within the LastJourney project is to map the different rock art typologies present at Cerro Azul including depictions of animals and humans as well as handprints and geometric patterns. Presently, my focus lies on...
Field Discovery Award

Field Discovery Award

Professor José Iriarte has been awarded the 2023 Field Discovery Award by the prestigious Shanghai Archaeology Forum (SAF) from the Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, for his work on ‘The Colombian Amazon Rock Art’. This was an exceptionally...
La Selva Pintada – Catch Up

La Selva Pintada – Catch Up

Catch up on the live recordings of the conference sessions on the ICAHN Youtube channel Click the links below to open the videos in a new window Day 1 – Morning Session -Opening remarks, Patrick Roberts, Gustavo Politis, Rafael Suarez, Mark Robinson, Javier...