Last December, Ana María Aguirre Ocampo, one of the doctoral students of the project, defended her thesis “Tecnología lítica y aprovechamiento de recursos en el Poblamiento Temprano del Noroeste de Suramérica: Conjuntos líticos de la Serranía de la Lindosa y la Sabana de Bogotá”, which was directed by Professor Francisco Javier Aceituno Bocanegra.

Her work intended to inquire about the correlation between lithic technology, environmental change, and anthropic management of the ecosystem during the early peopling of Northwest South America during the boundary between Late Pleistocene and Holocene (~13.000- 7000 cal. BP). To fulfill this goal, she analyzed the lithic assemblages from two sites from la Serranía de la Lindosa (Cerro Montoya y Limoncillos) and two sites from Sabana de Bogotá (Tequendama 1 y El Abra 1).

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